This dashboard is created using HTML, CSS, and the data is pulled, prepared, and visualized using R.
This is for demonstration purposes only. The data used is pulled from a public source, specifically the GoodCarBadCar website -
Year | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
2005 | 183379 | 234208 | 281906 | 260741 | 263949 | 265698 | 343768 | 266798 | 209587 | 182417 | 185852 | 244989 |
2006 | 189817 | 226291 | 268123 | 242877 | 256755 | 246815 | 221491 | 235920 | 220877 | 198130 | 164170 | 212703 |
2007 | 151416 | 194310 | 243541 | 209694 | 239579 | 228376 | 177167 | 200401 | 173554 | 179652 | 166565 | 191729 |
2008 | 145435 | 181808 | 209714 | 185434 | 200372 | 163769 | 154527 | 150006 | 114519 | 126600 | 116756 | 132247 |
2009 | 89085 | 94035 | 122605 | 126385 | 153437 | 144357 | 157198 | 175274 | 107811 | 131211 | 117212 | 176061 |
2010 | 110716 | 134925 | 174949 | 160928 | 188793 | 168328 | 165019 | 156090 | 158613 | 156181 | 145367 | 188825 |
2011 | 125141 | 153513 | 209439 | 186725 | 189137 | 190540 | 178822 | 173573 | 172788 | 165484 | 164659 | 206790 |
2012 | 135532 | 352164 | 220491 | 175919 | 212089 | 205206 | 172396 | 195808 | 172359 | 166957 | 175880 | 210876 |
2013 | 164777 | 193462 | 233409 | 208787 | 242860 | 233538 | 192212 | 219574 | 183176 | 189554 | 187642 | 214504 |
2014 | 152292 | 181996 | 241475 | 207700 | 249574 | 219741 | 210519 | 221024 | 179335 | 187809 | 186255 | 219225 |
2015 | 177382 | 179648 | 234774 | 221603 | 250077 | 224671 | 222009 | 233879 | 221261 | 213103 | 186822 | 237606 |
2016 | 172398 | 216792 | 253064 | 229739 | 234748 | 239096 | 215268 | 213410 | 203444 | 187692 | 196441 | 237785 |
2017 | 171186 | 207464 | 234895 | 213436 | 240250 | 227166 | 199318 | 209029 | 221643 | 199698 | 210205 | 240910 |
2018 | 160411 | 194062 | 243021 | 208109 | 241527 | 229537 | 192743 | 217700 | 196496 | 191682 | 195255 | 219632 |
2019 | 188882 | 185353 | 208523 | 209639 | 241889 | 187511 | 189476 | 212214 | 174317 | 197153 | 204431 | 197144 |
2020 | 167146 | 216395 | 131072 | 77815 | 172928 | 181572 | 192536 | 171144 | 185405 | 181820 | 148816 | 0 |
title: "Dashboard by Ryan Pierce"
date: "As of `r format(Sys.time(), '%B %d, %Y')`"
- { icon: "fa-envelope", href: "", align: right }
- { icon: "fa-linkedin", href: "", align: right }
- { icon: "fa-github", href: "", align: right }
- { icon: "fa-window-restore", href: "", align: right }
logo: logo.png
source_code: embed
orientation: rows
vertical_layout: fill
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
library(lemon) <- lemon_print
rawdata <- read_excel("R_Assets/Sample_Ford_Data.xlsx")
data <- select(rawdata, -1)
Values <- rowSums(data)
YRdata <- data.frame("Year" = c(2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020))
TotalData <- cbind(Values, YRdata)
newdata <- rawdata[-c(1:14), ]
Sales Summary
This dashboard is created using HTML, CSS, and the data is pulled, prepared, and visualized using R.
This is for demonstration purposes only. The data used is pulled from a public source, specifically the GoodCarBadCar website -
### Ford Sales by Year
lineg <- plot_ly(x = TotalData$Year, y = TotalData$Values, mode = 'lines')
fig <- lineg %>% layout(title = 'US Sales per Year',
xaxis = list(title = 'Year'),
yaxis = list (title = 'Sales ($)'))
### Sales V. Prior Year
prior <- newdata[1,2:13]
current <- newdata[2,2:13]
Mdata <- data.frame("Month" = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))
prior_transpose <-
colnames(prior_transpose) <- "values"
PriorData <- cbind(prior_transpose, Mdata)
current_transpose <-
colnames(current_transpose) <- "values"
CurrentData <- cbind(current_transpose, Mdata)
linem <- plot_ly(x = PriorData$Month, y = PriorData$values, type = 'scatter', name = '2019', mode = 'lines')
linem <- linem %>% add_trace(y = CurrentData$values, name = '2020', mode = 'lines')
fig <- linem %>% layout(title = 'US Sales V Prior Year',
xaxis = list(title = 'Month',
categoryorder = "array",
categoryarray = PriorData$Month),
yaxis = list (title = 'Sales ($)'))
Raw Data